Pastor Daniel Rutegibigeni

My name is Pastor Daniel Rutegibigeni, and I am in charge of the Kagomasi Parish in Rwanda. My wife's name is Diane Abijuru and together we have 2 children. I have 8 years of experience in pastoral ministry. Frankly, the retreat that I have just been on with my wife is the very first one since becoming a pastor.

The training was not only an opportunity to meet the other couples with whom we minister with, but to be encouraged, edified, and further informed with how to share the word of God and pray for pastoral couples here and abroad.

As a result of this meeting, my wife and I came to understand more fully that our vocation gives us the responsibility to take care of God's people, serve as a model in everything and everywhere for the faithful, continually strengthen our relationship with God, serve the Church with humility, dedication and love and contribute to the holistic development of our family and church.

This change in attitude and understanding has given rise to the following ideas to initiatives we are working to mature.

  • Increase our time of bible reading and prayer to raise the level of our spirituality.

  • Reinforce the education of our children to prepare them for a better future.

  • Initiate small income-generating projects as a complement to our salary, in order to meet the needs of our family and invest for the future.

  • Improve the links with other pastoral couples to learn from their experiences.

My wife and I return from this retreat happy and grateful to the TEN-RTF for having prepared this experience for us. We are going to use what we have learned for the development of ourselves and our church!

- Pastor Daniel

Thirst Creative

Thirst Creative is a boutique creative shop located in the Minneapolis area. Steve Siewert, the creative director focus on all aspects of graphic design — print, web, branding as well as photography and video. 


Women’s Training in the Ivory Coast


Church Elder - Rwanda